.. test documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 2 19:32:31 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ================================== Kobe Kosen Robotics documentation! ================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: Getting Started User Guide R/W Paper Edit Docs **Date**: |today| .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :class-card: intro-card :img-top: ../source/_static/index-imgs/getting_started.svg はじめに ^^^^^^^^ 研究室のための初心者ガイド.配属されたら最初に読んでおく.研究の準備やセコムの説明. +++ .. button-ref:: getting_started/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: 初心者ガイドへ .. grid-item-card:: :class-card: intro-card :img-top: ../source/_static/index-imgs/user_guide.svg ユーザーガイド ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 加工機・計測装置の使い方,PDMS 膜の作り方,プログラムや Linux などの Tips が集まる, +++ .. button-ref:: user_guide/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: ユーザーガイドへ .. grid-item-card:: :class-card: intro-card :img-top: ../source/_static/index-imgs/paper.png 論文の執筆・閲読 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 論文の書き方(書式やフォーマットなどのルール),論文の読み方を説明. +++ .. button-ref:: paper/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: 論文の執筆・閲読へ .. grid-item-card:: :class-card: intro-card :img-top: ../source/_static/index-imgs/development.svg Edit documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ このドキュメントの作り方. 新しくページを追加したい人向け +++ .. button-ref:: development/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: To the docs guide